Rug Binding Waxed Linen Thread

Available in 4 neutral colours



This thick waxed linen thread is ideal for stitching rug binding tape to your finished rug. The thread is strong and durable, made from linen fibres coated with a thin layer of wax to lend strength, weight and durability. Paired with a strong needle the thread can be pulled through tough layers of canvas and fabric without breaking, ensuring your project has a strong hold that will stand the test of time. Perfect for hand-sewing punch needle, ribbon hooking, latch hooking, proddy, rag rugs, hand tufting or any craft that needs a robust thread to sew through heavier foundation fabrics. It is also the ideal thread for tying and securing handmade pom poms.

Available in four neutral colours to match any project - choose from black, white, brown or natural.

Suitable for use with our medium and heavy duty rug binding tapes - 25mm webbing and 40mm+ Binding Tapes.

  • Available in 4 neutral colours
  • Wax conditioned 🍯
  • Tough and durable 💪
  • Great for upholstery, rug making and jewellery projects
  • Length: 23m per spool
  • Composition: Linen and wax